M-Fibre – the all-rounder for product integrated lighting.
To create new possibilities to add value to products by integrating light, we are constantly developing our technological portfolio.
The most recent example is our new side line fibre system M-Fibre. The system consists of high-quality side line fibres, compact yet highly efficient LED modules and matching LED drivers. It is predestined for both direct visible functional or decorative line lighting and indirect ambient lighting. Thus offering manifold design options for product designers and product engineers.
M-Fibre’s strengths become especially obvious when compared to other technologies, such as injection moulded light guides, which might not be suitable due to small quantities or other requirements.
Various possibilities for various applications
The M-Fibre’s side line fibres are extremely thin and flexible and offer a 360° radiation angle – ensuring homogenous luminance even in narrow radii without any colour deviation. It also allows for lighting solutions which run a length of several meters or the integration into freeform surfaces. Thanks to the spatial separation of the light source from the light output, M-Fibre is also suitable for under water use, explosion protection or the food industry.
When partially activated only certain areas of the side line fibres are illuminated, preventing unwanted stray light. At the same time, either in combination with single or multi-coloured LED modules this technology allows for dynamic light scenarios.
There are hardly any limits to the applications for this system: the automotive sector, smart clothing, smart luggage, the machine and tool building sector, building services, furniture and household appliances to name only a few.

Example: contour emphasising side line lighting

Example: direct and indirect lighted handles

Example: automotive sector
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